OverSixty January 2023 Issue
NEWS OPINION HEALTH MONEY LIFESTYLE ENTERTAINMENT DOWNSIZING TRAVEL OVERSIXTY.COM.AU FREE ISSUE 3 I JANUARY 2023 T he convenience of owning amotor vehi- cle is undeniable, but as we age driving around can become a little riskier. As Victo- ria’s Transport Accident Commission notes, “Drivers aged 75 years or over have a higher risk (per distance travelled) of being killed in a crash than any other age group.” This isn’t necessarily a deterioration of skill or physical ability, but rather a reflec- tion of the risks that are associated with sharing the road. Nonetheless, the fact remains that there SAVOURING A NEW CAREER Data breaches and you Assess your driving risk IMPACTS OF INFLATION RETIREMENT VILLAGE: BUY OR RENT? EXPLORING ISRAEL 15 17 Matt Cooper is tasting later-life success as the owner of a whisky distillery Queensland were compromised after a third party gained unauthorised access to its computer network. To provide some sense of the scale of the network of hackers, the Australian Bureau of Statistics spent countless man hours, weeks, even months fighting off just under one billion cyber- attacks during the 2021 Census. The threat of data breaches has never been greater, but there are ways to protect yourself. Continued page 4 are certain physiological and neurolog- ical changes that occur with ageing that can impact ability to competently operate a vehicle. After years of driving, it can be hard to recognise these often incremen- tal changes that can develop. But even if a driver hasn’t felt anxious or aware of their diminishing driving skills, it’s important to be aware of how our driving skills can change as we age, as well as knowing the the changing licence requirements. Continued page 3 PAGE 16 O n 22 September last year, Austral- ia suffered its biggest data breach in history when the personal information of 9.8 million Optus customers was sto- len by cyber hackers. A month later, the private data of as many as 4 million Med- ibank Private customers was similarly stolen. Seems cyber-criminals have been busy, and aren’t limiting their hacking to big companies. In early October, health records of some patients at the Apunip- ima Cape York Health Council in North 32
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