OverSixty January 2023 Issue

32 ISSUE 3 | JANUARY 2023 | OVERSIXTY.COM.AU HUGH HANSON DESTINATIONS I had just three days in Israel – a stopover on a flight from Australia to the UK. In hind- sight I wish I had reserved much more time: Israel may be a small country – it’s 353 times smaller than Australia, or just 3% the size of NSW – but there is a lot to see and do here. Israel is often referred to as the holy land as it is the center of three main religions; Juda- ism, Christianity and Islam. Because of this many people visit as pilgrims – but you don’t have to be religious to enjoy this exciting melting pot – an exotic blend of the old and new, the sacred and secular. Here are some of my favourite experiences. Sea Of Galilee The Sea of Galilee is in the north of Israel – about a two-and-a-half hour drive from the capital Tel Aviv. The road descends from the high moun- tain areas to the inland water (also referred to as Lake Tiberius) which appears as a spar- kling jewel: a refreshing and welcome re- lief from the sometimes harsh surrounding landscape. And it really is a descent, as the lake is 215 metres below sea level – making it the lowest freshwater lake in the world. Here on its shores you can visit the ancient Roman remains of Capernaum, or visit the church at Tabgha, built on the site where Jesus preached and fed the multitude with bread and fish. The Western Wall There’s a bit of security to negotiate to gain access to theWesternWall plaza (above), but once through and into the large open space it’s all worth it to soak up the ancient atmos- phere. Here devout Jews gather to pray – the wall being the closest physical remnant of the ancient temple destroyed by the Romans. Continued page 37 A stopover in Israel offered an exotic feast for the senses – and a desire for more time PLAN DESTINATIONS INSPIRATION CRUISING Travel Above: The Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall, is a site of prayer and pilgrimage for the Jewish people Photo: Getty Images DESTINATIONS DESTINATIONS 32 Exploring Israel PLAN 34 Dos and dont’s of caravanning 38 The Hills are alive! 39 Stay fit and fab on holidays INSPIRATION 38 Wall of fame – Carinda Hotel 39 Tropical treasures CRUISING 36 Bucket list cruises 40 6 best new ‘rooms with a sea view’ 34 36 39 Inside TRAVEL Exploring ISRAEL