OverSixty July 2023 Digital
LiveUp is a healthy ageing initiative funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. There are many myths and stereotypes when it comes to ageing, but the truth is, it’s in your hands. Science shows only around 25% of ageing is genetics, and up to 75% is lifestyle choices. With over 35 years specialising in how ˪˘ ˔˚˘ʟ ʻ˜˟˔˥ˬ ˂Ϡʶˢˡˡ˘˟˟ ˛˔˦ ˦˘˘ˡ Ѓ˥˦˧ ˛˔ˡ˗ how you can control the effects of ageing. LiveUp is your healthy ageing guide providing expert advice, personalised support and community connections. It really is in your hands. Learn more about what you can do when you LiveUp. AGEING IS IN YOUR HANDS ” “ HILARY O’CONNELL Occupational Therapist SCAN ME TO LEARN MORE Call 1800 951 971 or visit liveup.org.au
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