OverSixty July 2023 Digital
OVERSIXTY.COM.AU | ISSUE 5 | JULY 2023 23 LIFESTYLE Pruning Citrus don’t need annual pruning for fruit production but, on young trees LQ WKHLU ȴUVW DQG VHFRQG \HDUV SUXQH half the developing fruit to prevent the tree exhausting itself. Trees can be pruned into any desired shape after fruiting has ȴQLVKHG 7KLQ RXW FURZGHG EUDQFKHV WR DOORZ LQ PRUH OLJKW DQG DLUȵRZ Old, neglected trees can be UHMXYHQDWHG LQ ODWH ZLQWHU E\ FXWWLQJ WKHP EDFN WR D IUDPHZRUN RI EUDQFKHV MXVW P IURP WKH WUXQN Grow in pots 'ZDUI FLWUXV DUH LGHDO IRU JURZLQJ LQ SRWV LQ WLQ\ EDFN\DUGV DQG RQ EDOFRQLHV &KRRVH D SRW ZLWK D GLDPHWHU RI DW OHDVW FP UHPHPEHULQJ \RX FDQ LQFUHDVH WKH VL]H RI WKH SRW DV WKH WUHH JURZV :DWHU WKRURXJKO\ DQ KRXU RU WZR EHIRUH UHPRYLQJ LW IURP LWV FRQWDLQHU )HHG LQ VSULQJ VXPPHU DQG DXWXPQ ZLWK D PRQWK FRQWUROOHG release fertiliser designed for citrus. &KHFN WKH VRLO PRLVWXUH UHJXODUO\ DQG ZDWHU RIWHQ GDLO\ LQ VXPPHU blood and bone applied under the mulch in early spring, early summer and again in early autumn. Always remember to water before and after applying fertiliser. !e roots of citrus trees spread to the out- er perimeter of the branches, so apply water and fertiliser this distance away from the trunk. Do not feed newly plant- ed trees for at least six weeks or until new growth reveals that the roots have be- come established. Boost growth Remove any fruit on small citrus trees in the "rst year so that the tree’s energy will go into making new growth. CHERYL MADDOCKS LIFESTYLE T hank goodness for citrus. Not only high in vitamin C and ready in winter when colds and #u are rife, citrus are easy to grow. No wonder they are the most popular homegrown fruit: all citrus trees have beautiful, glossy foliage and aromat- ic #owers, followed by tasty fruit. !ey’re the perfect size for growing in today’s shrinking gardens and also perform well in pots. Choose from lemon, lime, man- darin, orange and grapefruit. How to grow • POSITION All citrus like a sunny loca- tion sheltered from wind. !e majority prefer a frost-free climate and free-drain- ing soil is essential. Before planting, loos- en the ground and dig copious amounts of compost or cowmanure into the soil. • PLANT Water the potted tree and allow it to drain. Dig the planting hole twice as wide as the pot and position the tree so that the soil level is the same as it was in the pot. Back"ll the hole andwater inwith Seasol, to help prevent transplant shock. Citrus are easy to grow and will reward you with plump, juicy fruit as long as you follow a few basic steps 3KRWR *HWW\ ΖPDJHV LIFESTYLE How to grow citrus Enjoy delicious juicy fruit straight from your garden • WATER Newly planted trees need a thorough watering twice a week for six weeks until they are established. Once they have safely taken hold, water the trees well everyweek, especiallywhile the fruit is ripening. • MULCH Citrus have shallow root sys- tems (a reason why they suit potting). A mulch of sugar cane, lucerne hay or pea straw will keep the soil around them moist and prevent weeds growing and competing for nutrients. Leave at least a hand’s span clear around the trunk to prevent collar rot. • FEED Citrus are heavy feeders and need a complete citrus food, cow manure or
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