OverSixty July 2023 Digital
OVERSIXTY.COM.AU | ISSUE 5| JULY 2023| WORD SQUARE The answers to the clues are all five-letter words. When placed correctly into the grid they will form a magic word square in which the same five words can be read both across and down. The clues below are in no particular order. WORD LADDER In a word ladder puzzle you have to change one word into another by altering a single letter at each step. Each step on the word ladder must be a valid word. Change WARM to COLD Change DINE to FEED FUNNY BUSINESS TEE-HEE The golfers of Twitter and the internet take to the fairway: The safest place to stand when I hit a golf ball is directly in front of me. @INKEDUPKIDDER Golf is a game in which you yell ‘Fore’, VKRRW VL[ DQG ZULWH GRZQ ȴYH HAROLD COFFIN, WRITER Golf is literally a sport to see who can play the least golf. 21COSNER ON REDDIT.COM TEE-HEE Rub out Relating to the moon Seize land or throne without authority A lively outing or bout of fun Regulations WORD FINDER )RU WKLV ZRUG ȴQGHU SX]]OH \RX PXVW ȴQG ZRUGV RI WKUHH OHWWHUV RU PRUH E\ WUDYHOOLQJ KRUL]RQWDOO\ YHUWLFDOO\ RU GLDJRQDOO\ WR WKH DGMDFHQW OHWWHUV Each letter may be used once only in each new word. Plurals and well-known proper names are allowed. S P M N I A O C H WARM COLD DINE FEED CUTTING REMARK $IWHU P\ \HDU ROG PRWKHU ȴQLVKHG KDYLQJ KHU KDLU FXW DQG VKDSHG WKH VW\OLVW announced, “There, now you look ten years younger.” My mother, unimpressed, replied, “Who wants to look 81 years old?” SUBMITTED BY CALVIN UNRUH DELAYED RESULTS It’s been six months since I joined the gym and no progress. I’m going there in person tomorrow to see what’s really going on. @_CAKESBAWSE ANSWERS For thH VROXWLRQV WR DOO RXU SX]]OHV KHDG WR www.o60.me/puzzles-issue-5-July-2023-answers
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