OverSixty July 2023 Digital

ISSUE 5 | JULY 2023 | OVERSIXTY.COM.AU 34 TRAVEL 5 tips for self care Paul von Bergen, founder of %LOODERQJ 5HWUHDW R΍HUV KLV WRS WLSV IRU VHOI FDUH DW DQ\ WLPH Sleep Ȃ WKLV LV HVVHQWLDO IRU WKH ERG\ WR UHSDLU DQG UHQHZ ΖI \RX GRQȇW IDOO DVOHHS DIWHU PLQXWHV WU\ SXWWLQJ D ȴQJHU RQ WKH GHQWV EHKLQG \RXU HDU MXVW DERYH MDZ DQG UXE WLPHV DFXSXQFWXUH SRLQW 2U KDYH D KRW IRRW EDWK EHIRUH EHG Breathe Ȃ EUHDWK LV WKH EULGJH EHWZHHQ WKH PLQG DQG WKH ERG\ 3UDFWLVH D GDLO\ EUHDWK URXWLQH WR KDUQHVV DQG GLUHFW PRUH HQHUJ\ WR EHWWHU VHUYH \RX $ VLPSOH SUDFWLFH RI EUHDWKLQJ LQ DQG RXW WKURXJK WKH QRVH IRU D FRXQW RI WKUHH WR ȴYH FRXOG EH D JRRG VWDUW 5HSHDW ȴYH WLPHV PRUQLQJ DQG QLJKW Eating Ȃ DVN \RXUVHOI KRZ FORVH LV ZKDW ΖȇP HDWLQJ WR QDWXUH" (DW ZKROH IRRGV ZLWK ORWV RI FRORXU DQG YDULHW\ DQG NHHS XS ZDWHU DQG KHUEDO WHDV IRU K\GUDWLRQ (DWLQJ SURFHVVHG DQG VXJDU\ IRRGV ZLOO PRVW FHUWDLQO\ ]DS HQHUJ\ OHYHOV )LQLVK HDWLQJ EHIRUH \RXȇUH IXOO Exercise Ȃ PLQXWHV D GD\ LV LGHDO DQG UHPRYHV VOXJJLVKQHVV &RQVLGHU D EULVN ZDON GDLO\ :HLJKW EHDULQJ H[HUFLVH WZLFH D ZHHN ZLOO NHHS \RXU PHWDEROLVP DQG HQHUJ\ OHYHOV KLJKHU Mindfulness Ȃ SUDFWLVH EHLQJ PLQGIXO RWKHUZLVH ZH PLVV FKHFNLQJ LQWR RXUVHOYHV 6LWWLQJ RU MXVW EHLQJ LQ QDWXUH RFHDQ VZLPV \RJD RU 7DL &KL DUH DOO JRRG RSWLRQV %H SUHVHQW DV PXFK DV \RX FDQ DQG QRWLFH WKH VLJKWV VPHOOV DQG KRZ \RXȇUH IHHOLQJ DW DQ\ JLYHQ PRPHQW Prioritising WELLNESS ZOË MEUNIER INSPIRE H ave you ever returned froma holiday feeling as though you needed anoth- er holiday to recover from it? Sometimes the very nature of a getaway – !ights or travelling long distances, logistics of get- ting from A to B, decision fatigue, overin- dulging – not tomention the "nancial im- pact – can leave you with the additional baggage of stress and anxiety. It’s one of themany reasons why a recent three-day, two-nightmidweek retreat close to home, with a focus on self care, did more for my relaxation and wellbeing levels than have many further-a"eld holidays of a much longer duration. It’s also one of the reasons wellness retreats are continuing to grow in pop- ularity, as many of us seek respite from the day-to-day stresses of modern life – be they caring for grandchildren and/ or ageing parents, relationship or work woes, recuperating from illness or men- tal health challenges – and welcome the chance to focus on doing little but nour- ishing our body, mind and soul. Billabong Retreat embodies just such an experience – o#ering a deep under- standing of what is needed to be able to step back from the frantic pace of every- day life and be refreshed. Located less than an hour’s drive from the Sydney CBD in Northwest Sydney, the moment you turn down the winding, tree-lined road leading to its picturesque bushland setting, you immediately feel you could be anywhere. Arriving at the sprawling, fully certi"ed eco retreat, the overwhelm- ing sense is one of calm and tranquilli- ty, the silence broken only by the lyrical sounds of nature. After checking in, a friendly sta# mem- ber gave us a tour of the grounds, which spread out around the beautiful deep brown billabong and lotus garden. $e main retreat centre and cabins perch on the sandstone escarpment rising up from the billabong, nestled between towering trees, o#ering a dramatic yet serene out- look. We were shown through the various communal spaces of the main retreat centre, including the blanket-strewn lounge area in front of the pot belly stove where we could read or engage in man- dala colouring (a device-free zone); the group dining area; the yoga, meditation and workshop space; the day spa; and magnesium aqua therapy pool; along with many cosy corners for curling up in. Our cabin was a quaint, rustic twin bed with ensuite and both indoor and out- door bath, zen music drifting out from our music dock. ($ere are several di#er- ent accommodation options to suit a va- riety of preferences and budgets.) Once settled, we headed to our "rst yoga session, several of which were of- fered throughout our stay. Some of these – in the late morning once it was warmer – were held at the special yoga pavilion overlooking the billabong and lotus gar- den, an immersive nature experience in which our downward-facing dogs were accompanied by the chorus of bell birds, whipbirds, kookaburras, cockatoos, king parrots and lorikeets, frogs, crickets and splashing ducks. Along with yoga, there were plenty of meditation opportunities through- out the retreat, some incorporated into workshops that further expanded on the theme of self care. Self care is one of many themed retreats that are o#ered, with others including a stronger focus on yoga, mindfulness, stress relief or medi- tation. $e meditations we experienced with our facilitator Nerida were all dif- ferent and o#ered tasters of the many meditation varieties, including a walking meditation, micro-movement medita- tion, sound bath immersion and the in- corporation of live music. I lost count of the number of times I nestled back onto my yoga mat covered with a blanket and an eye pillow, but each occasion was gleefully welcomed. It’s rare that many of us grant ourselves the opportunity to tru- ly relax and allow for introspection, while taking a break from the daily barrage of thoughts that frequently prevent us from being present in the moment. $e joy of Billabong Retreat is you can do as little or as much as you like. You can combine two retreats or more for a longer stay, you can do all or none of the programs on o#er, choosing instead (or as well) to simply chill out, read, or, for an additional fee, indulge in a spa treatment such as a facial, massage or reiki healing. Short on time? You can even go for a reju- venating day retreat. Another thing you can – indeed, must – do is EAT, the cuisine being a distinct highlight of the stay. O#ering vegetarian food (mostly vegan), each meal provided a nourishing riot of colour, variety and taste sensations. Breakfast included hot options such as frittata, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes, plus oats, chia porridge, and fresh fruit and yoghurt; while lunch- es and dinners presented everything from curry to risotto, nut loaf, and mous- saka. Meals were always served with a wide selection of vegetables, salads, nuts and seeds, sauces and purees, our chef passionately detailing the preparation and o#erings of each eveningmeal. After- noon tea of bliss balls, cookies or brown- ies proved you don’t need re"ned sugar to indulge in a sweet treat. Before we knew it, it was time to re- turn to our daily lives – sad to leave, but feeling pampered, peaceful and with our sense of self restored. To learn more, visit billabongretreat.com.au !e writer stayed as a guest of the retreat. A short retreat in an idyllic bushland setting o#ered a blissful opportunity to relax, unwind and look inward INSPIRE Above: Yoga by the billabong; Below (clockwise from top left): nourishing meals; the main retreat; unique spaces for re!ection 3KRWRV 6XSSOLHG =R­ 0HXQLHU ERWWRP ULJKW